Must popular vim plugins I can’t live without!

Sagar Lama
HashedOne Technology
3 min readApr 4, 2021



VIM is a very powerful tool for a developer. Vim has some insane capabilities out of the box. You can achieve a lot with just vim what most editors do with plugins. But if you’re looking to speed your development pace or looking to create a better workflow, you can check out these plugins.

Plugin manager

If you’re trying to use any plugins in vim, you need a plugin manager.
I’m currently using vim-plug as my plugin manager.
It is very easy to set up. And updating/removing plugins is just as easy. You can find the setup guide at

Some alternative plugin managers are

File Browsing

For file browsing, My goto plugin is NERDTree It lets you view, add, delete, create new files with ease.
I also use vim fzf.vim for fuzzy file search. This plugin is combined with fzf which allows you to fuzzy find specific files, previously opened files.
It even lets fuzzy find a specific line containing the word you search for.
Check out more about fzf at ttps://

Code Completion

For code completion, I’ve been using YouCompleteMe This plugin has some great features like GoToInclude, GoToDeclaration, RefactorRename, FixIt
There are other plugins like vimcompletesme, coc for autocompletion.

I also useultisnips,vim-snippets, emmet-vim for writing code faster.


These plugins don’t really affect the development workflow but it’s nice to make your editor look like you want. Some of my favorite themes are vim-solarized8, vim-airline, gruvbox


Some other plugins that I think you must use are listed below. Since I didn’t know what category to list them into, I will list them in the miscellaneous section.


I cannot stress how much I love this plugin. Navigation around vim is just so seamless. With just a few keys you can jump to any location on your screen.
If I could use only one plugin in vim, this would be it.


Vim fugitive is an absolute beast. It is a git wrapper vim. You can use git without ever leaving vim. vim-figitive really shines when you’re resolving conflicts.
If you want to learn how to use vim-fugitive follow this link


Syntastic is a nice plugin to have. Syntastic is a syntax checking plugin for Vim. It does automatic syntax checks, highlights errors, and warns when your syntax isn’t correct.


The listed plugins are purely opinionated and are based on my experience. You can learn about the plugins and setup process for all of the plugins at
Are there any plugins you’d like to add? What plugins are you using? Share your thoughts on this in the comments section.

My dotfiles:

Thanks for reading.🙏

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